Monday, January 14, 2013

Mid January Check-Up

I've don a pretty good job with running, eating right, blah blah blah. Bike 2 miles to work, biked the 2 miles back home, then went for a 3-mile run. It was a beautiful day that seemed more like late Spring (mid 70's) then mid-Winter and I wanted to take advantage. Of course the false Spring didn't last and it's been raining all day today. Between that and the fatigue of Sunday, I decided to give my quads a break. No running today. I thought the rain would clear up tomorrow and I would be able to pull another 7 miles on Tuesday. No dice. It's going to be cold which I knew, but it's also going to be raining. I think I'm just going to suck it up and go running in the morning anyway so I can at least get 3 miles on the day. I'm feeling highly motivated of late and I have a 25 mil goal to hit this week.

I have been talking to a few people in southern California over the past few days. Apparently it has been warmer here in Virginia than it has been there. So much for global climate change being a hoax...


  1. I know it has sucked here in Richmond. How lame is this? I ditched my gym night because it was raining so hard. I'll make it up tomorrow, regardless.

    Peace <3

    1. Sometimes we just have to force ourselves to do things...unfortunately.

