Friday, January 17, 2014

Basic Audience

Tonight I watched one of my favourite films with a couple of people. You would think that I had fun given that this is one of my favourite films...right? Not so much. The problem was that one of the people with whom I was watching this film - who had never seen it - had ZERO appreciation for the film and kept voicing that. Don't get me wrong, I get that not everyone has the same taste in films that I do and that's perfectly fine. The thing is that this film is not a "lowest common-denominator" kind of film which is part of why I like it. Films like this demand things  of the viewer such as attention, thought, etc. They are not simple films. A lot of effort went into these films which actually have something of substance to say. Even though I can get this person not liking the film, the disrespect that was shown was undeserved and annoying. Basic people who aren't up to watching films that require thought should stick to the likes of Twilight. Even though there are plenty of "simple" films that I like or even love, I tend to prefer films that require functioning brain cells and have something to say, not to mention that when the various elements are put together well it just makes it even better. Luckily my love of this film is still intact (or maybe it's even stronger).

Kids these days don't appreciate a good thing when it's staring them right in the face.