Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Scene at the Store

There is a major snow storm headed to my neck of the woods. In fact, as I’m typing this, the flakes are falling and have been for about an hour. It started accumulating immediately. I was mostly prepared but there were just a couple of things I wanted to get while the getting was good so I trotted off to the store.

Mad. House.

It wasn’t frantic, but there were hoards of people there. Completely understandable. There things that I found laughable and things that I found downright perplexing. I jokingly made a Facebook status a few days ago about getting prepared by making sure I had wine (and yes, I do have the wine, as well as some bourbon because…reasons). However, there were lots of people buying alcohol. The guy in front of me in the queue had two cases of beer.

On the other hand, there were people buying frozen food. Lots of frozen food. That guy who was in front of me had three frozen pizzas. Keep in mind that the forecast has my area getting 10 inches of snow give or take. It may also be a rather wet and heavy snow, so power outages are not beyond reason. What exactly do these people think they’re going to do with these frozen foods, because preparing them would be out of the question?

And of course the bread aisle was absolutely ravaged and there was no such thing as a short line. That was particularly annoying given that I was waiting with just two items.

I wish I had thought to bring my camera with me on this trip to the grocery store (it didn't occur to me until I was halfway there) because it was definitely worth a few pictures.

BELATED UPDATE: As I said, about 10 inches were in the forecast. It ended up being 24 inches officially. Outside my door was 19 inches.

1 comment:

  1. Same thing happens here. Drives me crazy. I suffered through the line just because the cute cashier was working!

    Peace <3
