Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bad King

I spent virtually all of this weekend hanging out with my neighbours and their friends. Seriously, from Friday afternoon to Sunday night, except the hours I was asleep. They had a shindig at their place on Saturday night. Apparently at some point that night, my roommate’s dog (King) got loose from our place. This has happened before and usually it is not a big deal. It kinda was this time. During his wanderings around the neighbourhood that night, he found a skunk that ended up spraying him. I didn’t realize this until Sunday morning when I was coherent again. So now, the bottom floor of my place smells bad, although not as bad as you might think. The smell has faded quite a bit, but it’s still quite unpleasant. It’s supposed to warm up a bit later this week so week should be able to open up some windows and get some air flowing. At some point the dog’s owner tried Febreezing King. He didn’t like that.

I wish I could say King probably learned his lesson, but apparently he has gotten skunked on multiple previous occasions. He’s actually a pretty smart dog. Unfortunately, he isn’t smart enough to learn to leave skunks alone.

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