Sunday, July 14, 2013

Operation Rio: Phase 1 Complete

It looks like after over 3 months of being unemployed, I've finally gotten a job. This was the most important step of making my trip to Brazil possible. Thank God that's done. I fully intend on throwing myself into it and putting as much money as possible in the bank because this trip is going to cost A LOT of money, probably thousands. The flight alone...yikes. Aside from just putting as much money as possible, I have some semblance of a financial plan that I will be putting into play.

The next major step: passport. Having never set foot out of the country, I don't have one. I'm pretty sure this is something that's going to take a long time so I need to get on this. I'm not exactly sure about what the process entails, but bureaucracy will be involved. Oh joy.

I'm also going to create a file where pretty much everything about this trip will be enumerated: costs, dates, weather, things to be purchased (clothing and such), and whatever else I think of.

A friend of mine who is getting married within the next year has said that every time she thinks about the wedding, she gets really excited, and then feels incredibly daunted because of everything that needs to be done. Given how I feel about this trip, I can only imagine how she feels a freaking wedding.

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