Thursday, July 14, 2011

I See "Little People"

Some years ago, I bought "The Hobbit." I got maybe half way through it before I had to throw my hands up and quit. For some reason, even though I love the other stories of Middle Earth (i.e. The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion), I just could not get through this one. It seemed too childish to me. I put it down and have not touched it since. Hell, I forgot at times that I even owned it unless someone brought the story up.

Fast-forward to a few days ago. I came across a video (I think through but maybe somewhere else) that showed a little about the films based on the books (coming out in December 2012 and 2013). It was the second of two behind the scenes video blogs on the filming that is underway. It got me really excited, and it doesn't hurt that I heart Ian McKellan (i.e. Gandalf the Grey). I decided that it was time to try reading the book again. So far, so good. I guess it helps that I have read a lot of peripheral stuff about what is going on elsewhere  in Middle Earth during when the book takes place and I'm having a good time connecting the dots. Actually, that's one of the things I like about reading LotR even after all these years.

Meanwhile, I can't believe I have to wait a year and a half for the first film to come out. I went through the same thing with X-Men: First Class. Ugh...

And yes, I realize I sound like a huge dork. I came out of the dork-closet years and years ago.

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