Saturday, July 2, 2011

(Very) Poor Decision

There is a guy I work with who recently at the age of 24 or so married a woman with two daughters. Now he and her are planning on having a child. When I first heard about this I thought it was that it was just that she wanted a child by him but he wasn't really about it. I have since learned that they are actually currently trying for this child.

He mentioned this at work Friday night around about six or seven of us. Pretty much all of us were saying to him how bad an idea this was but he wasn't hearing it. In one ear, out the other. He and his wife are pretty much going to depend on government aid to support their family, which bugs me to no end (it's that conservative streak I have, not to get overly political here). I have certainly made my share of bad life decisions, but this is a whole different level. What kind of life is this kid going to have? What kind of opportunities will it miss out on because Mommy and Daddy were purposefully irresponsible in the timing of having this child? I don't even like thinking about it because I find it so frustrating. I just really needed to vent about this.

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