Saturday, December 31, 2011


I've already gone over what a blah year 2011 turned out to be, although that still puts it above 2010 which was just a bad year. It's time to look ahead. There are a lot of things I would like to accomplish over the next year, big and small:

-Move out of this town. I've been here for enough time and I need to stop fighting the long defeat. There is zero reason to remain here and I feel like I'm wasting away...mainly because I am.
-Get a car (I'm currently vehicularly-challenged).
-Date more. The loneliness is killing me.
-Do what I have wanted to do since grade 11: work in politics. I remember in 2008, I spent part of a day registering people to vote. Though that isn't exactly the kind of thing I want to do in the long run, it felt really good to get others at least somewhat engaged. Hopefully, when I end up moving, it's to a place where I can make some difference in politics. I actually have the idea of starting a PAC (political action committee) that would be dedicated to LGBT equality here in Virginia, but even if that ends up happening, it wouldn't happen for several years. Maybe this year, I'll lay the groundwork.
-More original content in my political blog. Too many times I have had writing ideas that ended up languishing in my brain until there was no point (in terms of the timing) in actually writing it. Strike while the iron is hot.
-Be more positive. I consider myself a realist, but that ends up reading as pessimism.
-Get fit enough to run at least six miles in a day. I think I almost got there once this year but something (legitimate, I promise) got in the way. This past year I got to where I could run 4.5 miles (which is 3 laps on this path on terrain), and I'm proud of that.

I guess the sum-total of all of this is to improve my own life as well as that of others. 

"What man is a man that does not make the world better?"
-Balian of Ibelin, Kingdom of Heaven

I hope everyone in Blogland has a great 2012...since the world is supposed to end and all :P

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