Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter Arrives, Another Team Member, & Other Ramblings

It's been a very mild winter with few exceptions. There was an abrupt interruption of that yesterday when we got 7 inches of snow. Being in the mountains, I guess it had to happen  sooner or later. I managed to get some pictures yesterday and today, which I'll be posting in the next few days. As I was taking some of these pictures, I was crossing the car park which I realized was a sheet of ice. Unfortunately, I realized this too late and proceeded to fall flat on my ass. I've been eating way too much later so there was plenty of cushioning and no harm done...except to my pride. Luckily, no one saw (unless they were inside where I couldn't see them, but whatever). The funny thing is that it's supposed to be in the 60's on Thursday and fairly mild between now and then, so this stuff shouldn't be around for very long. Just as well. I get tired of seeing it after day 3.

For those who haven't been paying attention, Team Gay has another open member (wow, that sounds suggestive). In the last week o two, Matt Bomer (from a show called White Collar, which you should be watching) officially came out. I say officially because I think his situation is one where people in the know pretty much knew. I mean seriously, he has a partner and three kids. That's hard to keep a complete secret. What I think is funny here is that a lot of (primarily) straight people are surprised by this whereas many (primarily) gay people (primarily men) had known for some time. I remember hearing about him possibly being gay no less than a year and a half ago. A girl I work with mentioned him coming out and I told her that I had known for a LOOOOOOONG time. He's in a film called Magic Mike about a bunch of male strippers which I guess I'm going to have to see.

And lastly, I think I'm coming down with something. I woke up this morning with a sore throat. It feels slightly better now (2 hours later) and I'm a little snotty, but that's probably because I was outside in the cold for a bit...twice. hopefully it doesn't get much worse. I've managed to go this far through the season without getting too sick. I'll try to get ahead of whatever this might be and mitigate the symptoms.

And with that, I think I'm all caught up since my last post.

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