Friday, October 5, 2012

September Ratings (& Other Stuff)

I'm not really sure how it happened, but managed to have a record month of ratings for my blog political Commonwealth Commentary last month. The previous high was about 5400 in July. September, I managed to rack up almost 6200. I'm quite happy about that. Whether or not I can approach those numbers this month, I'm not so sure, but I'll give it a try  One thing that I haven't been doing so much of lately is original content. Pretty much all of what I've posted of late has been videos and news articles and not so much of my own stuff. In other words, I have not been putting the "commentary" in "Commonwealth Commentary." I need to change that. Since I have several free hours tomorrow before I have to be at work, I'll get started then. It's the end of an election cycle, so there should be tons of fodder.
In other news, I'm supposed to be going to a mates wedding this coming weekend. The reason that I sound uncertain is that there are a bunch of obstacles in my way. First: travel arrangements. I have no car, so I can't just drive there myself (it's in Northern Virginia...or somewhere thereabouts). I friend in town is going so I hope I can hitch a ride with her, otherwise, I'm screwed. Second: work. I requested that weekend of but got scheduled the day before and the day after the wedding. Bovine excrement. I'm seriously pissed off about this because of the way requesting time off works at my job. This is primarily because it doesn't work. I don't want to delve into that too much because it will just get me pissed all over again and I'm trying to get to sleep soon.

If you remember my various posts about a person I called "N," he becomes relevant here again. It's his sister who is the bride at this wedding. Though I don't feel for him the way I once did (FYI we're not talking about love), something about the fact that he'll be there makes me a bit nervous. I'm really looking forward to going to the wedding other than that, I'm just dreading potential awkwardness.

One thing is for sure though. Assuming I actually make it to the wedding, I'll be looking good. This past Monday I picked up a green dress shirt and a silver tie that catches the light in a really nice way. I may or may not be wearing my waist-coat (the one I was wearing in the wedding photo I posted a week or two ago). Green and silver are my two favourite colours. I also have some super dressy shoes to wear.

I should probably learn how to tie that tie...

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