Friday, February 22, 2013

Mid-Week Spins & Occupational Hazards

So in the middle of this week, my body decided to turn itself into a mucous factory. Luckily whatever I had didn't last long but it decided to be at its worst on Wednesday, which was also my longest work day this week. That morning was spent with the occasional dizzy spell, headache, that sort of thing. That was fun. I spent the whole day just wanting to crawl back into bed and sleep. Whatever I had, it's pretty much gone now. It wasn't too bad.

There was also this weird thing where whenever I inhaled, something way up in my left nostril or sinus had a really hot sensation for which I have zero explanation.

Having mentioned work, dark times may be ahead. The place where I work is apparently going out of business in the next month or two. I'm not feeling too stressed at this very moment, but I know I'll start feeling the real heat fairly soon. It's high time I got a big boy job though. So to that end, I've spent the last few days sorting through my blog posts (over 1,600) looking for some of my best writing. Hopefully I can get some of it published in a newspaper or magazine, or wherever. I'm also going to hopefully get some of it printed out for a portfolio. I'm going to Richmond in a few weeks to an annual LGBT event where hopefully I can meet some people, make some connections, get some writing noticed, and see where I can go from there. I REALLY hope this event works out because 1) I'll be spending a lot of money to go (the event itself cost $100) and 2) this is the event for which I'm missing Carbon Leaf, and I love carbon Leaf.

Here's to hoping. Fingers crossed...

1 comment:

  1. I certainly hope you are lucky and successful on the job front. I'd be quaking in my boots if I was told my job was disappearing.

    What's the LGBT event (if you can share)?

    And I LOVE Carbon Leaf. Used to work with one of their original bass players.

    Peace <3
