Tuesday, February 5, 2013

One Week Left...

It's one week before Mardi Gras, which means that it's almost time to start giving stuff up. Usually I give up certain foods to which I'm particular susceptible, which I'll be doing again this year. Here's the rub. Lent starts February 13th this year, i.e. the day before Valentines. I also have a tradition of eating ice cream on Valentines if I'm single...which I am, but ice cream (read: sweets) are also going on the chopping block for 40 days and 40 nights. DILEMMA!!! First world problems...

So here is what will happen. I'll probably suspend my Lent rules for this one particular instance. I know, technically it's cheating, but I'll find some way to assuage my conscience (i.e. with said ice cream).

Besides which, I have some lbs to lose. I'm going to a concert in two months and I'll be seeing a bunch of people I haven't seen in a while. Gotta look good for that. And with the big three Zero bearing down on me, I'm bound and determined to have an actual 6-pack before the end of May. This should all be sufficient motivation to eat right. Now if the damned weather would cooperate so I could run outside without freezing my kiester off...

P.S. Am I the only one who took forever to realize that fat Tuesday is the literal translation of Mardi Gras? Oh well, I don't speak French, so there's that.


  1. It was on Jeopardy tonight - I said What is Fat Tuesday and the contestant said What is Mardi Gras...neato!

    Peace <3

  2. I would watch Jeopardy, but it would just make me feel stupid.

