Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Please Tell Me This Is a Bad Joke...

Enter dirty thoughts...
Names are being withheld because the person in question may read this, as may a lot of people who know him. However, if you do read this, you know who you are.

I was on Facebook the other day (like I am EVERY day) and I came upon someone who wrote something about the new Superman film "Man of Steel." I forgot what the first sentence said (it's irrelevant so who cares), but at the end of the message, he indicated that he wouldn't be watching this film because Superman/Clark Kent would be played by a Brit (the very handsome Henry Cavill) and obviously Superman is American.


My response was pretty much the title of this blog post. Pretty reserved right? In my mind however, I lost my shit at the utter stupidity and pretense of this mentality. And then of course there is the obvious: SUPERMAN IS NOT AMERICAN, HE IS KRYPTONIAN!!! Literally, he was an undocumented alien. Even if he was American and being played by someone from another country, why the fuck does that matter? Have you any idea how many Brits, Aussies, Canadians, etc. are in American television and films playing Americans? Guess what, it's A LOT!!! Get the fuck over it.

Seriously, I hope this was just a bad joke and I'm just overreacting. If not, then I lament that there is this much stupidity in the world. *hits head against wall in frustration*


1 comment:

  1. Hard to believe anyone gets so worked up over someone else's inane comment on Facebook! HAHAHAHA

    If i don't agree/find it offensive/think it's too stupid to endure, I use that "Hide" command! Much easier than getting all worked up over it.

    Though, I must admit, I think I've posted two MUCH LONGER rants about crap on Facebook!

    Peace <3
