Thursday, August 4, 2011

Film Collection

My DVD collection is pretty anemic, especially given what I have seen of other people's collections. There isn't a lot of variety. I probably have around 20 or so films plus a couple of TV shows on DVD (maybe about 3 of those). I have been thinking for a really long time now that I want to just blow 100-150$ just on DVDs. I started making a list a while back of what I films I would buy. Here are a couple that come to mind:

From "Were the World Mine"
-Were the World Mine
-A Chorus Line
-What Lies Beneath

There are probably some others that I would come up with if I actually put my mind to it, but it's been a long day. Some of these I haven't seen in a really long time (I haven't seen "A Chorus Line" since I was in grade school...which seems like a lifetime ago). The only one of those that I have never seen, trailers notwithstanding, is "Were the World Mine," but I've heard it is a good film. Unfortunately there is other, more important stuff I will have to spend money on in the near future, so this purchase will have to wait. :(

From "Serenity"

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