Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Off Of the Reading List

Recently I finished reading "The Hobbit." This was my second attempt at reading this story. I tried reading it once before and I felt it was too childish and got maybe half way through before putting it down. That was some years ago. After having actually finished it, I have no idea what I was thinking. It was a great story, even if it ended a bit on the sad side (not the very end, but I won't give that away). I like how it sets up things for "The Lord of the Rings." I definitely suggest giving it a read.

Today I picked up "A Game of Thrones." I haven't seen the show (I don't get whatever channel it's on). I will sooner or later, but since I have the opportunity to read it first, and upon multiple recommendations, I decided to go this route. I'm actually reading part 5 of LotR (which is the first half of Return of the King) right now but as soon as that done, I'll be hitting up the new book.

I'll never understand why some people don't like reading.

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