Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Season's Silver Lining

I know this whole global climate changey thingy is supposed to be bad, but Winter is pretty much the bane of my existence. Cold is not my schtick as I have said many times on this blog before. That is why I'm glad that this Winter (at least so far, I hope this post doesn't jinx it) has been relatively warm. Out of the last 5 days, I have gone running in the morning 4 times. It would have been 5 but between rain, soreness, and work, Monday was a no-go. Every time I have gone out, I ended up pretty sweaty too. I probably would have actually lost some fat at the same time but I keep shoveling food down my gullet so I'm pretty much holding steady on that front. There have only been a couple of legitimately colds days. Then again, it's only mid January so there are another 2.5 months left (or up here in the mountains, it's more like 4).

I went on a little hiking trip back in November. I took a bunch of pictures which I will eventually post here when I get around to it. It wasn't a long trip, nor was it particularly difficult as far as hikes go, but I wrecked the shoes that I run in. They were old anyway. Luckily, this gives me a reason to buy I new pair of running shoes which I probably should have done ages ago. When I say these shoes are old, I'm talking 7 years at the least. This may be the reason my feet hurt so much on days that I run. Since there is a chance I'll be doing a 5K (the one I was supposed to do last year but the weather was terrible), it's pretty important I keep up my running ability. Also, this is the year I really slim down. Not that I'm huge, just what one would call "gay-fat." Time to undo that.

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