Saturday, January 21, 2012

Weekend Update: January 15, 2012

Last weekend was pretty much a roller coaster. I would have written about it at the time but, well, I think you'll understand why it took me so long by the end of this post.

Tight End Jermichael Finley
Saturday was actually pretty uneventful. I had been looking forward to seeing the Packers play the Giants in the playoffs. After work on Sunday I went home for an hour then headed back downtown to watch the game. The bar where we were watching the game had a bunch of people watching both playoff games of course. There were a group of Giants fans down the bar from us. The weird (and annoying thing) was that every time the Giants made a play, even though Giants fans cheered, the most obnoxious person make the most noise was a guy wearing a Baltimore Ravens jersey. I really wanted to punch him in the face (seriously not because the Packers were losing but because the guy was just being an obnoxious douche). I think he may have been one of my fraternity brothers though. There were a couple of people in that group wearing some Pi Kappa Phi stuff and at least one person I definitely recognized (I'm much older than them and haven't been involved with our chapter for quite some time which is why I'm not sure which of them were actually Pi Kapps). Anyway, 4 fatties (27 oz. mugs of Yuengling) later, Green Bay had lost the game 37-20. We did it to ourselves: too many dropped passes, busted coverages, and many other mistakes. We didn't show up (even though the game was at Lambeau) and the Giants did. 

Not the actual Margarita I had
By the end of the game, a couple of other people showed up at the bar with us. After the game, I ended up going with them to another place and getting a Jumbo Texas Margarita. This was probably my big mistake of the night. These drinks are HUGE and they are STRONG. One on its own will get you fairly inebriated. Another mistake I made was not eating after about 5pm or so. Then, we were off to place number three. After this point, everything is hazy. I only really remember flashes of stuff. I remember having a bottle of some beer, and I remember coming out to my parents (which, despite everything ending up fine, I don't recommend coming out to one's parents while drunk). I DON'T remember how a got home (apparently I walked, which was 1.5 miles away), and I DON'T remember licking someone's face. That seems to happen whenever I get that drunk: someone gets kissed or licked on the face. That's why I generally make a point of not getting that drunk.

Another reason that I make a point of not getting that drunk is the hangover. This one was killer. Thank the good lord I didn't have to work on Monday because that just would have been a disaster. Before going to bed the night before I (apparently) had the good sense to turn my alarm off. I didn't even get out of bed until 5pm. Even then, it was only for a few minutes. I didn't eat anything that day until almost 10pm when I had actually gotten to a functional level of existence and got some Chinese food (interestingly, one of the guys I was out with that night was also very hungover and ended up getting Chinese as well). I also realized this day that even when I'm plastered, I manage to stick to certain routines. While blacked out, I took a shower (which I realized when I saw my towel on the chair in my room), I hung up my jacket in the right place, and there was something else, but I can't remember (Rick Perry syndrome I guess*). Because of my very late "start" to the day, I didn't even bother trying to get to sleep at my usual midnight-ish time. Sleep didn't happen until after 3am. Then Tuesday was back to getting up at 8am and going to work.

I only mentioned the coming out to my parents bit in passing above. For the record, I was pretty sure they already knew and wouldn't have a problem...which is (luckily) exactly what I got. Some time while I was really drunk, I but up a Facebook status about it (which a do remember doing). I had forgotten about it when I woke up on Monday though. I guess I was preoccupied with my pounding head. I contemplated making a Facebook status about it that day but decided not to make a big deal about it. It wasn't until I got on Facebook later that day that I realized and remembered that I had already made a "big" deal about it and made the post and thought "Well...alrighty then!" Apparently I was the talk of work that Monday I had off (many of the people I went out with were work mates). Someone asked me later in the week if I felt like a new man. My answer: "Not really." Like I said, I got from my parents exactly what I expected. No drama, no tears, no threats of disownership. Life goes on as ever it did.

Awkward moment: my mom asking me if I was dating anyone.
Sad moment: when I said no :( Oh well...

*Addendum: And hours later I remember the third thing. When I sent out that Facebook status (still virtually black out), it was somehow perfectly spelled, even the bit that was in German. I guess I'm just awesome like that :P

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