Monday, November 21, 2011

A Dark Day

I'm no fan of the materialism of the coming holiday season. Commercials for sales make me gag. The mere thought of Black Friday makes me ill. I think it speaks very poorly of our society that we begin what should be a happy season by beating each other up over cheap LCD's at Wal-Marts across the nation. It's a terrible way to start the season. I hope that this isn't the case in other countries, but I see it as a scourge here in the States. I think if those three wise men had seen what those gifts would lead to in the future, maybe they wouldn't have brought those gifts all those years ago. Maybe I should question how wise the really were (j/k).

Making the whole thing even worse this year (I didn't even know this was possible) is the fact that many retailers, including Target, Toys R Us, and Macy's, will be opening at midnight. This means that the people working at such stores will have to leave their families on Thanksgiving Day in order to attend to the unwashed masses. This is one of those things that defies words. Having worked a Black Friday or two having to be at work at 4 or 5 in the morning was pretty terrible. I can't imagine what it would be like for people who have kids, or have family in town, or anything of that nature, to have to leave them at 10:30 or 11:00 on Thanksgiving Day having to go to work and deal with hundreds (or thousands in larger areas) of greedy people, many of whom will treat you like dirt. This is why I boycott Black Thursday and avoid it like the Black Death, I don't see much difference between the two.

Before I get pegged as a Grinch, I'll have some happier holidays posts coming later this week. I just had to get this off my chest.

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