Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend Update: September 19, 2011

I'll keep this brief because I don't even want to think about everything that happened:

-Overworked. My feet were killing me at least half the time.
-Ate way too much (stress eating, it happens).
-The one thing I was looking forward to, going out with some mates who were in town, ended up not happening because I had to work too late Saturday.
-I don't know if it's allergies, weather, or what, but my sinuses are uber-clogged. I had to break down and reach for the Afrin nasal spray last night.
-It has been cloudy here for the past week. Seriously, VERY little to no Sun, and the clouds won't really break until this weekend...maybe.
-I was visited by the "Ghost of Make-Out Sessions Past" which was bitter always (emphasis on bitter).

I don't want this to be an utter bitch-fest so I'll end on a high note. Football pretty much saved my weekend. The Green Bay Packers won in what ended up being a squeaker against the Carolina Panthers (so much for the awesome Cam Newton, 3 picks) so we're 2-0. Virginia Tech beat Arkansas State so we're 3-0.

On a completely unrelated note, we are just hours away from the official end of Don't Ask Don't Tell. Definitely a great thing for this country. It's pretty hypocritical for this nation to be called the land of the free when many of the very people who defend the country were restricted from being honest about who they are. I won't get to into that here since I did on my other blog (that post is scheduled to be posted after midnight tonight).

Hopefully this week will be better than the weekend was.

1 comment:

  1. WOOT!!! To the whole post (except the pro football, don't ask, don't care applies)! HAHAHAHA

    Peace <3
