Thursday, April 28, 2011

Flaunt It...Or Not...

I was at a bar last night with some mates when this guy sits a seat or two to my left. He was wearing a shirt that said "Vagitarian." Seriously, and this isn't the first time I have seen this (though it's possible that it was the same guy twice). I honestly had/have no problem with this guy for wearing that shirt (although he looked like a schlub, but that's not because of what the shirt said). What gets me is that if I wore the gay-equivalent of that shirt, some a-hole walking down the street will invariably call me the f-word and some Tony Perkins type of homophobe (if you don't know who he is, consider yourself lucky) will consider it "flaunting my sexuality." Such double-standards I find so incredibly frustrating and annoying. Why is one considered flaunting and worthy of public ridicule and the other is not? If someone could answer that question without giving a bigotted/homophobic answer, I think I would die from sheer shock.

Some people are gay. Deal with it. When we actually do flaunt it, you'll know it:

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