Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sudflood XXI

Sudflood is an all-day (i.e. 1pm to 2am) concert that my fraternity puts on every year in April, the proceeds of which go to Push America (an organization to benefit people with mental and physical disabilities). There were a couple of years that the concert, for whatever reasons, didn't take place, so this was the first time in a while it went on.

It was a blast. I saw a lot of people I had not seen in years. The weather was pretty crappy (40's, mostly cloudy, very windy), but some of the bands still played outside. I had a nice "beer blanket" on most of the time. One of the bands that was there was one of my favourites, Carbon Leaf. They played some my favourite songs of theirs including American Tale, The Boxer, and Desperation song. If you have never heard their stuff, give them a listen. I love seeing them live. It was a great day and a great night.

I am paying for it now.

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